
We have been in Communication Industry over 35 years as a quality manufacturer.

CATV is the starter

We OEM for SA Outdoor taps way back 3 decades

There are SA, MAGI and GI Taps available now.,

All sort of CATV products from Connectors to Amplifiers

from ingress safe, 6KV to Moca recently.

Connectors from high performance F81 to Trunk, Fiber Optical from connectors, splitters and nodes.

customized prodcuts from Filters, isolators, TV filtered splitters, TV Isolators, TV Filters, Moca Filters, Trunk Amplifiers...etc

We never exhibit and advertise anywhere but focus on doing a right product for our customers.

Our products have the name of SUPERIOR Quality,

that's our motto as a reliable manufacturer to most of the brand name products around the world.